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How Does Executive Development and Leadership Work?

While no two situations require exactly the same process, the program includes the following steps:

Step 1: Contracting

• Consultation with the corporate sponsor and the consultant.

The objective of this phase is to develop trust, understanding of the program and mutual expectations. The consultant will clarify issues, discuss the time frame, and the confidential nature of the program. This provides the confidence that both parties are on board and have an agreement toward successful results.

Step 2: Assessment

• Assessment of the Candidate.

The purpose of this phase is to gain maximum insight into the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, career goals, performance patterns, values, beliefs, work history and personal needs. Assessments utilized are 360 degree feedback, career interest inventories, personality, motivational, aptitude, interviews with key players for feedback and perception checks, an initial feedback session, closed-circuit video interview work, video feedback, coaching accompanied by insights and advice.

Step 3: Action Plan and Implementation

The goal of this phase is to provide full feedback and recommendations to candidate. The consultant provides a learning lab for the candidate to explore and develop insights and understanding to bring back to the work setting. During this time coaching meetings are scheduled on a regular basis.

Step 4: Follow up

The consultant and candidate agree on an ongoing developmental plan and follow up sessions for anchor in learning.